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Email: info@relaiscaladeiromani.it
Via Calarossano, Ventotene (LT)

How to get to the island of Ventotene

The island of Ventotene can be reached by HYDROFOILS of the Alilauro and Vetor companies, and with the LAZIOMAR ferry, which provides connections from Formia several times a day. With Snav Hydrofoils from Naples.

Directions on Google Maps

By car

Autostrada del Sole (Rome-Naples) Cassino exit then take the highway with which you reach Formia in 30 minutes. The port has parking for a fee.

By train

The main stations of Rome and Naples connect to Formia with trains that depart every hour. The station of Formia is about a 10-minute walk from the port of departure.

By hydrofoil

Duration of crossing: 1 hour
departure from Formia

By Boat

Duration of crossing: 2 hours
departure from Formia

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